Contracts Awarded by HHS

In accordance with Texas Government Code Section 2261.253, Required Posting of Certain Contracts; Enhanced Contract and Performance Monitoring, HHSC has begun posting HHSC- and DSHS-awarded contracts. This effort is an ongoing process. The following information is updated regularly and is made available to comply with the requirements for transparency in state agency contracting and procurement.

Certain information—including information that may be confidential, proprietary, or trade secrets—may have been withheld or redacted (blacked-out) from the information being provided. To request unredacted copies, please contact the HHSC Open Records Coordinator at If HHSC, DSHS, or a third-party believes that an exception to disclosure applies to all or part of the requested information, HHSC will send the requested information to the Office of the Attorney General for a determination concerning the public release of the information at issue, as required by the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 552.

Last updated: February 14, 2025

Contract Number Vendor Name Start Date Sort descending Solicitation Number or Statutory Reason for Not Competitively Bidding
365660 COUNCIL OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL EPIDEMI 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365661 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365662 TEXAS PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365663 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365664 WORKQUEST 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365666 VPRIME TECH INC 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(d)(1)(a)
365667 MONO MACHINES LLC 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365668 COUNCIL OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL EPIDEMI 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365669 CPI INTERNATIONAL 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365670 COUNCIL OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL EPIDEMI 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365671 COUNCIL OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL EPIDEMI 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365672 BULLCHASE INC 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365673 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE INC 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365675 COUNCIL OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL EPIDEMI 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365677 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365679 SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365681 ULINE INC 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365682 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365683 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365684 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1/17/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365685 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365687 TORG CORPORATION 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365688 UT MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER 1/17/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
HHS001033300194 KLEINFELDER INC 1/17/2025 HHS0010333
365691 WORKQUEST 1/18/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365692 WORKQUEST 1/18/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365693 WORKQUEST 1/18/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365698 WORKQUEST 1/18/2025 Texas Government Code 2155.1441
365701 WORKQUEST 1/20/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
HHS001033300189 JENSEN HUGHES INC 1/20/2025 HHS0010333
365678 CLARKE MOSQUITO CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365702 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 1/21/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365704 STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365705 Fernandez Produce Express, Inc. 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365710 WORKQUEST 1/21/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365711 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 1/21/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365712 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365716 SOUTH CENTRAL SUPPLY LLC 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365719 TEXAS GOVLINK INC 1/21/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365721 THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365722 COUNCIL ON LICENSURE ENFORCEMENT AND REG 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365723 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 1/21/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365724 SA TOTAL TREE SERVICE INC 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365725 ASSOCIATION FOR PROFESSIONALS IN INFECTI 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365726 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 1/21/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365727 B D HOLT CO 1/21/2025 Texas Government Code 2155.1441
365728 WORKQUEST 1/21/2025 Statewide Contracting Authority
365730 ACCREDITATION COUNCIL FOR GRADUATE MEDIC 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)
365731 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1/21/2025 34 Texas Administrative Code Sec. 20.82(b)(1)