Contracts Awarded by HHS

In accordance with Texas Government Code Section 2261.253, Required Posting of Certain Contracts; Enhanced Contract and Performance Monitoring, HHSC has begun posting HHSC- and DSHS-awarded contracts. This effort is an ongoing process. The following information is updated regularly and is made available to comply with the requirements for transparency in state agency contracting and procurement.

Certain information—including information that may be confidential, proprietary, or trade secrets—may have been withheld or redacted (blacked-out) from the information being provided. To request unredacted copies, please contact the HHSC Open Records Coordinator at If HHSC, DSHS, or a third-party believes that an exception to disclosure applies to all or part of the requested information, HHSC will send the requested information to the Office of the Attorney General for a determination concerning the public release of the information at issue, as required by the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 552.

Last updated: February 7, 2025

Contract Number Vendor Name Start Date Solicitation Number or Statutory Reason for Not Competitively Bidding
364008 BULLCHASE INC 12/9/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364009 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/9/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364021 W W GRAINGER INC 12/9/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364022 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/9/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364028 FASTENAL COMPANY 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364032 BULLCHASE INC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364033 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364039 WORKQUEST 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364044 DATA PROJECTIONS INC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364056 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364058 BULLCHASE INC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364059 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364062 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/13/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364063 SID TOOL CO INC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364065 WORKQUEST 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364067 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364071 WORKQUEST 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364075 NEW HORIZONS LEARNING LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364078 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364085 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364086 DARLA CLOUD 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364099 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364102 CDW GOVERNMENT LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364114 WORKQUEST 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364115 AVI SYSTEMS INC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364120 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364123 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364125 NEW HORIZONS LEARNING LLC 12/10/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364132 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364134 SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364135 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364137 ABDELADIM LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364142 BULLCHASE INC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364143 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364151 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364153 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364158 CLOUD TRAINING SERVICES 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364159 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364161 CDW GOVERNMENT LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364167 NETWORK CABLING SERVICES INC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364168 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364171 WORKQUEST 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364172 WORKQUEST 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364176 SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364179 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364185 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364193 BULLCHASE INC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364194 WORKQUEST 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364198 MONO MACHINES LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority
364200 STAPLES CONTRACT AND COMMERCIAL LLC 12/11/2024 Statewide Contracting Authority